01 02 03 Eat. Pray. WOD.: A Word About Feminism 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A Word About Feminism

Feminism is getting a really bad rep these days. 

For some reason, I keep seeing women talking about being "anti-feminists" because "they don't believe they should have to hate men" or "they don't think women deserve special rights to put them above men" or because they "don't think it's okay to be a hate mongering asshole".

Weird. Because I agree with all those things and I am, indeed, a feminist. 

1. I would love and respect my boyfriend, too. 2. I make my own decisions without being pressured. 3. I enjoy makeup and like feeling pretty. Also, I don't need to be superior to men. I want to be equal.
"I need to be partnered"--Which is exactly why we should be equal.

So when people say this ridiculous shit, I channel my inner Inigo and say "I do not think that word means what you think it means."

Imagine a world where there was actually a whole movement dedicated to equality of the sexes...oh wait.
Rights that you would, quite literally, not have without the feminist movement.

So here's the skinny (strong?) about feminism:
It just means being equal. It means believing that a woman's life is worth the same as a man's life. 
I mean, I think we should all agree to that, right?

What feminism doesn't mean:
Feminism DOESN'T MEAN you hate men. (uh, obvs, I'm a man lover over here).
Feminism DOESN'T MEAN you get special consideration. (Uh, because if you got special consideration, you're not equal. See?)
Feminism DOESN'T MEAN you're a hate mongering asshole. (I mean, you might be. But that doesn't make you a feminist.)


Herein lies the problem. A lot of women (and men) have become so accustomed to today's lifestyle, they don't really realize the part that feminism has played in where we are socially. 

Like, without strong women and men who supported equality of the sexes, a woman would still be considered a man's property.

Without strong women and men who supported equality of the sexes, women would not be allowed to go to school.

Without strong women and men who supported equality of the sexes, women would not be so much as CLOSE to a computer, much less able to create a meme of their own image holding a sign declaring why they're "anti-feminist". 

See where I'm going with this?

So stop it. Stop holding women back and telling us to get back in the kitchen, take off our shoes and get knocked up already. 

Stop telling little girls that they can't be strong or that they can't be whatever-the-hell they want to be-whether it's an astronaut, a stay at home mama, or a crossfit affiliate owner-- because they freakin' can. 

Stop telling girls that when men mistreat them on the street they should just "ignore it" or when a man yells some obscene thing at them that they should "take it as a compliment". 


Your girls and your women are worth more. They are worth every bit as much as everyone else. And they should know it. 
Because you should tell them. 
You should encourage them to be strong.

Encourage women AND men to love each other.
And protect EACH OTHER.
And lift EACH OTHER up. 

Because the only way our society gets any stronger is if we all get stronger together.

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