01 02 03 Eat. Pray. WOD.: CrossFit Doesn't Work 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

CrossFit Doesn't Work

It doesn't. 

I got a message from an acquaintance a few days ago in which she expressly told me that CrossFit doesn't work. It just doesn't.

Her message went something like this:
"I was so inspired by you and all the stories you share that I decided to try CrossFit out. I found a Groupon and did the first month. It was so hard and I was so sore. I was hurting all the time--Aislinn, I could barely walk. I went once a week and nothing even changed for me. I'm not any closer to looking like any of the girls on TV. I don't know how it works for everyone else, but CrossFit just doesn't work for me."

I wanted to scream. 
And yell.
And throw all of the things.

But I didn't. I responded: 
"I'm really sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you. Sometimes, CrossFit isn't for everyone. I hope you find something that you'll enjoy better and maybe one day, you'll head on back to a box."

Honestly, I wanted to punch the shit out of her because she was so wrong. I mean, hello, I am a walking testament to the fact that this crap WORKS.

And then I realized, she's right.
CrossFit doesn't work.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but being fit is not freakin' easy. I always refer back to what Coach Lauren said to me the very first day I tried CrossFit: "if you come once a week, you're gonna look like you come once a week. 

Girls like Camille and Julie don't just happen. They didn't wake up like that (sorry, Beyonce). They take the time to train everyday, multiple times a day. They take the time to analyze eating for performance and be athletes. 
Hell, those of us who aren't elite still don't just wake up and say "oh, I think I'll look like a crossfit athlete today!"

Anyone who really knows me knows that I didn't just faith away 30 pounds, okay? I worked REAL hard and worked my ass off (literally) and I'm STILL working on it. 
It is never, ever easy. And it really shouldn't be.
Because if you're getting better everyday, you're supposed to be finding your limits to surpass them.

So you could join some box somewhere and just half ass some workouts every blue moon, but you sure as shit can't get better if you're only trying things out every once in awhile. 

So my friend is right.
Crossfit doesn't work...
...unless you do. 

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