01 02 03 Eat. Pray. WOD.: Review: Zanella's Wax Bar-Baton Rouge, LA 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Review: Zanella's Wax Bar-Baton Rouge, LA

So! I get a lot of question about me in my inbox both here and on zee facebook page. Surprisingly, they're not always about fitness or eating paleo or getting in shape. Sometimes they're about what I wear (in real life, not in the gym), what make up I wear (when I wear it), where I get my hair done (uh, I don't, really. I just let this shiz do its own texture). 

But there's one service I get religiously that I have to brag on-especially since I get asked about it all the time (which is kind of weird, but kind of great because I get to brag on it)


Y'all should know that I hate hair. HATE IT. And of course, being hispanic, I have a ton of it. I do literally everything I can to get rid of it. I've literally been doing my eyebrows since 6th grade. You'd think I was related to Groucho Marx. I've had a love-hate relationship with hair my whole life. 

Just kidding. It's always been hate-hate. I can't stand it. 

And then I moved to Baton Rouge and found…
And my girls Erica, Hannah, and Megan. 
Y'all, I love them. 

Every month, I religiously get waxed and every time, it's the best experience it possibly can be. Don't get me wrong, waxing hurts, but these ladies are FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC at their jobs. They're always so sweet, talk to you through the whole appointment (so you forget that they're actually looking at your hoo-ha), remind you to breathe, remember everything about you, and always always always remind you (TWICE!) when your next appointment is. 

I don't usually get my eyebrows waxed because my face is super sensitive (I generally thread, instead) but I got them done at Zanella's this past weekend and they're awesome. No hives, no irritation, nothing. 

Immediately post wax. The redness…but my shape looks good! 
This is how I covered it up. Redness gone in 15 minutes!
If you're in Baton Rouge and you're looking for an awesome waxing salon, make sure you head over to www.ezwaxing.com and make your appointment with Erica, Hannah, or Megan! Make sure you tell 'em I sent you. Also head on over to their facebook page and become a fan!

PS: If you haven't already, make sure you head to the Asphalt Therapy Giveaway and get up to 14 chances to win a FREE Asphalt Therapy shirt just in time for St. Patty's Day!

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