01 02 03 Eat. Pray. WOD.: Level: Scaling Enlightenment 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Level: Scaling Enlightenment

I've been KIND OF a slacker when it comes to blogging this week...mainly because I've been studying my ass of for a test that I have to take this weekend. I'm super nervous about it and I've been spending most of my free time studying/cramming. 

Even though I said I wouldn't WOD this week because I wanted to spend time studying, I genuinely missed the box...so much so that I couldn't stay away and I went in for the WOD yesterday evening.

This shiz sucked.

45# SDLHP, 35# KB

I know I could have RX'd this workout (hell, I've WOD'd with those weight before) BUT, my awesome box (Red Stick CrossFit) posted a really cool article yesterday that gave me some insight about myself. Basically, in the past few months, I've developed the mentality that because I've RX'd with a weight, I should never go back to scaling. And this article says that not only is this NOT true, it's hindering my ability to do work. And I wanna do MORE work! 

You can read this awesome article here.

So last night, as I set up my station to go to work, I decided to scale...and I put in WORK. I spent way less time needing to rest or catch my breath. I actually completed two sets of lateral bar hops unbroken (and if you know me, you know I hate that shiz)-probably because I wasn't exhausting myself trying to lift a weight that I should have scaled!

Weakness identified: Just because you've wod'ed or RX'd with that weight before doesn't mean you have to do it every time! You can't do work if you're gasping for air because your weight is too heavy and you can't progress if you're sacrificing technique for "doing cool shiz with heavy objects"! 

Level: Scaling Enlightenment-UNLOCKED!

Hope y'all are having a FANTASTIC Thursday!

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